What Gives?
Hey Guys; I've made several posts/comments about the History Channel Channel on Plex; (Can you tell, I love it!!!) Thing is, I really, really LOVE my Plex, and have got my Colleagues at work on board...
View ArticleIs there something I need to do to get all channels to work with the Plex app...
CBS, NBC and USA Plex Channels Display a "Nothing to see here" message on the new Apple TV. They work fine on my Roku players and computer, but display the "Nothing to see here" on these channels. Some...
View ArticleUdemy Channel
Has anybody considered writing a Udemy channel? Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/) is subscription based, but often has very cost effective courses of high quality. I have tried writing a channel before,...
View ArticleLive Streams Channel
A Channel where users can add m3u8 or other streaming video linksHi, I've noticed that if you change the .m3u8 link within the Al-Jazeera plugin, you can access different streams (E.g. BBC News Live,...
View Articlechannel help.
I am looking to figure out how to add channels to plex, ice films? adult films is this still possible?
View Article[REL] G2G.fm - Watch latest release HD movies and TV Series!
About This is a plugin that creates a new channel in Plex Media Server to view content indexed by the website G2G.fm. Note: The author of this plugin has no affiliation with G2G.fm or the owners of the...
View Article[REL] channel PEAR - Live stream discovery (IPTV)
Plex Media Server plugin for channel PEAR channel PEAR is a collaborative, cloud-based media platform that enables you to discover, share, and watch live content from around the world on your favorite...
View Article[REL] trakt
trakt scrobbler - githubv0.9.1.26 - 26/05/2015 12:12:19 p.m. NZDT Build a history of every TV show and movie you watch, automatically from your media center. Check out http://trakt.tv for more...
View ArticleUnable to play videos on Vimeo channel
As of yesterday, all attempts to play videos on the Vimeo channel fail. Pop-up message "Uh-oh! Couldn't create the playback session for this item." All other video channels are working fine.
View ArticleCW Seed?
I see the CW Channel, but it does not include the content for the CW Seed shows- is there any way to get this on Plex? Watching stuff on my phone = no bueno :( Thanks!
View Article[REL] The CW Seed
There was some interest in being able to access the CW Seed shows, so I created a separate channel for it. It gives access the the shows available through the CW seed site including all seasons of...
View Article[REL] KissAnime Channel
Plugin v1.00 http://kissanime.com Watch anime online Download from github https://github.com/jwsolve/KissAnime.bundle/archive/master.zip Installation Extract zip file downloaded from github to...
View Article[REL] LetMeWatchThis
New plugin for LetMeWatchThisThis plugin allows users to watch TV Shows and Movies online from the LetMeWatchThis website. It supports browsing by Popularity, Rating, Release Date, Added Date and...
View ArticleRugby Channel
Hello, I am wondering whether there is any option available to watch rugby games (mainly 6 nations, but Heineken, Championship and WC but be nice as well) much like there is to watch NFL games...
View ArticleAnimal Planet
When will Plex add Animal Planet? MY SISTER ENJOYS WATCHING "Pit Bulls and Parolees"
View Article[REQ] IP Camera Channel
The request has been made before but those requests are old (2013 and 2010) regarding Blue Iris and or CCTV. Has anyone recently looked into or is interested in developing a channel that: - takes...
View Article[REL] UFlix Channel
Version 0.10 http://uflix.me Online Movies and TV Shows Download from github https://github.com/jwsolve/UFlix.bundle/archive/master.zip Installation Extract zip file downloaded from github to the...
View ArticleBringThePopcorn.net Plex Channel
Early november a couple of guys started making a website to aggregate full movies from around YouTube on one simple to use website. The project grew from innitially being a fairly ugly site with just...
View Articlenhl game centre
Looking for anyone who can update or make a new nhl game center app for plex. Thanks
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