I've been looking for more than a year to be able to integrate EyeTV with plex.
I know there have been more than a few attempts but none of them quiet production ready..
So I decided to give it a spin on my own - and I'm pleased with the first results after two days of development:
(direkt link to YT)
The video shows an early alpha of my plugin displaying a live tv stream from my EyeTV.
It works by utilizing the Live3G streaming feature introduced by Elgato to bring TV to the iPad/iPhone and browser clients.
As stated it's an early alpha and I'm not quiet done understanding the request protocol.
But since it's a good start for two days of coding I decided to post it here and get some feedback.
UPDATE - 2012/09/16
The plugin has been redesigned from scratch and is now called 'EyeContact'
Latest downloads and installation instructions:
Downloads And Installation Instructions (Wiki)
For current discussion (regarding the redesigned version please start >here<.
Post dated earlier discuss the previous version of the plugin and most of that doesn't apply anymore.
Feedback and Questions are always welcome as long as they are productive - have fun.