(UPDATE 11/06/2015: Added a lot of channels, movies, and also some free streams from streamlive.to. Last update for a while. I apologize for the many updates, this will possibly be the last for a while. Please report any bugs/errors. Enjoy.)
(UPDATE 11/05/2015: Added a second user playlist for having multiple lists. Added video on demand (VOD).
(UPDATE 11/02/2015: You no longer have to use the filmon refresh (Some of the text below is no longer vaild, I'll fix that later). Added XTV playlist along with the user playlist. The XTV playlist and filmon list will update automatically if there are any changes. Now hopefully this plugin will work on most platforms including linux, I have no way to test.)
XTV has the free USTVNow channels with working guide, filmon channels but mostly the UK channels that are NOT geo-blocked. Channel playlist that you can add your own channels and for local news. Tested with win7,8.1, and win10 server. Tested and working on Roku and Android. You will have to have a ustvnow free account and sign-in on the plugin preferences. The refresh button updates the Filmon links. Add your own local news streams in the plugin preferences. You can use a url of your own playlist if you wish. XTV comes with a default playlist if you want to use that (user.m3u in preferences). I will only add english channels because this channel started as a personal project and ..... I only speak english :) Please let me know of any bugs/broken channels. Enjoy
Download Here (Updated 11/05/2015) No longer have to click on refresh to update filmon links. Added XTV playlist, two user playlists, and VOD.
(NOTE: Filmon feature will only work on PMS running on windows. Seems that this plugins does not work correctly on Linux as reported by one user.)
If you already live in the UK then is would probably be best to just use the Filmon plugin for Plex for the Filmon channels. If you live in the USA then this plugin will let you watch the UK channels in the USA along with the other features. Yes the Filmon links do change, but if you are using this plugin on a Windows machine just click on refresh filmon, this will grab the new links. When you click refresh filmon a .bat file will run to grab the new links. Wait for about 10 seconds and the .bat will close and all of the filmon channels will be working again (this is the work around for people living in the USA wanting to watch the UK channels.)
* New Channels (as always)
Here are some screenshots.