A channel to allow Plex to control your Wink lights!
Grab the latest 2.X.X release here: https://github.com/vanstinator/PlexWink.bundle/releases
Currently awaiting entry into the UAS so a manual install is all that is currently supported
Known Issues
* after disabling and trying to enable again you'll need to pause and then play your media to get it to listen
* wink group_id fields are grabbed from the service at launch, so if you update your light groups you'll need to restart Plex for it to take effect
The channel binds to the Plex notification websocket and upon receiving a playing notification will poll the status API and run it through the rules engine. If the criteria match your settings it will do one of the following:
- Playing - Dim the lights, and then shut them off
- Paused - Dim the lights
- Stopped - turn the lights on at full brightness
- Nothing detected - turn the lights on at full brightness
* An up-to-date version of PMS. I don't know how far back this plugin will work, but I do not intend to support anything more than the current public stable version of the server.
* Code - https://github.com/vanstinator/PlexWink/releases
The config file is pretty simple. Fill out the basic deatils and your wink API credentials. You can get a set of API keys by emailing support@winkapp.com.
* fix bugs
* multiple rooms
* user defined lighting actions for play, pause, stop
* user requested features
Changelog 2.0.0 - 2/3/2016
* PlexWink is now a channel
Changelog 1.2.0 - 10/27/15
* ripped out the old polling code. the application now listens on a web socket
* significantly decreased the lag time between a plex action and lighting action
* caching wink group id numbers at launch instead of getting them every time they are needed
* broke logic apart to support other lighting brands such as philips hue in the future
* other code cleanup and optimization
* rewrote logging so it now contains useful time-stamped entries
Changelog 1.1.0 - 10/22/15
* adding option for multiple plex client triggers
* option for multiple authorized user triggers
* option for multiple wink lighting groups
Changelog v.1.0.1
* adding config option for the plex IP and PORT