First off, thank you to Krustyreturns for his help with this project and also his on going development of ServerWMC which is allowing us to integrate Windows Media Center's LiveTV functionality with Plex.
You can learn more about ServerWMC and download it here. ServerWMC Wiki . It is required, along with Windows Media Center, for this channel to function.
You can get more information/documentation on ServerWMC and wmc2plex by clicking this link. (Thank you Ianj001 for putting this together)
This channel is in it very early Alpha stages. Currently it will only work with a TV tuner that has DLNA capabilities such as the HDHomeRun Prime.
Current Version: Alpha 0.11.3
Current functionality:
- Get list of LiveTV channels without EPG data
- Get list of channels in Guide Section with EPG data.
- See what is currently playing on those channels
- Stream those channels.
- Get full listings for 'x' amount of days when in channel object (added 1/8/2015) - See Post 18 for more info
- List scheduled recordings, Cancel Scheduled recordings (added 1/16/2015) *This is for single items only. Series management is not implemented yet.
- transcoding profiles (added 1/16/2015)
- Ability to record currently playing programs (added 1/16/2015)
- Work with non-DLNA capable tuners.
- View/stream recordings
- List scheduled Series Recordings
- Manage and schedule Series Recordings
Future plans:
- Functional EPG for those clients that can support it. (This may not be possible through the current Channel API)
- Rewind, Pause and Fast Forward on live TV.
This was Developed on Windows 8.1.
Plex Version :
Server OS Tested : Windows 8.1, Synology(Thanks Rog), QNAP(Thanks Breezy)
Clients Tested : Plex Home Theater, Plex Web, Roku 3,Plex Android, Plex Samsung, Plex iOS
Networks: Tested on LAN, WiFi, and over 4G network on Android. (This means successful streaming of LiveTv from your home to anywhere in the world as long as you have a decent cell connection.)
Settings in wmc2plex channel:
serverwmcip - put in the ip of your machine running ServerWMC. Default is localhost.
serverwmc_port - If you changed the port when ServerWMC was installed put that in. Default is 9080.
server_wmc_epg_days - This will dictate how many days of EPG (guide) info to get. default is 7. This is more for future use as in its current state it only shows what is now playing on the channels.
debug_level - If you are having trouble please change this to Verbose, restart Plex and recreate the issue. Submit the logs. Otherwise, default is normal but can be turned to none.
Again, thank you to Krustyreturns and other who have helped with this project. I will release another Alpha build when the next phase is complete.
You can get the plugin from github via this link - wmc2lpex
NOTE* : Keep in mind that the DLNA stream from the tuner will be transcoded by Plex.
When you are looking at scheduled recordings, keep in mind, clicking the item will cancel the recording.
IMPORTANT: When posting issues please provide log files. You can find out how to get the log files for the plugin here.