I've created a channel to view videos hosted on PornHub.
Browse videos with various sort options (newest, most viewed, etc)
- Channels
- Porn Stars
- Playlists
- Members
- Search
I will be adding this channel to the Unsupported App Store v2 shortly. You can also download the bundle from GitHub to install manually.
Side story: I forked this from the original PornHub channel which stopped working long ago. I've created a pull request with all of my changes, but it seems like the original author hasn't been active on GitHub in 5 years, so I'm not holding my breath. If by some crazy happenstance the original author reads this (or someone knows them), I'd love to have you accept my pull request and hopefully even make me a contributor on the original repo. Until then, I'll be maintaining my fork. If enough time goes by, I might contact GitHub to remove me from "forked" status and have it as it's own stand-alone repo. Who knows. Anyways, enjoy the channel.
Also credit to @Nosinden for the idea to have a video sub-menu where you can see what porn stars are in the video, etc. Will be updating that with thumbnails eventually, much like his SpankBang channel. That dude makes good channels.